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The Maclellan Foundation Scotland
(Previously The Haldane Trust)

We partner with the courageous to change Scotland


Since 2012 the Maclellan Family Foundations from Chattanooga, Tennessee have been regularly bringing together a wide cross section of leaders within the evangelical church in Scotland. The central intention being to serve the national church as broadly conceived: cross and non denominational, traditional and missional, younger and older, highland and lowland, reformed and charismatic.

These convenings have focussed on prayer, fellowship, training and conversation. The conversations often being led by well known speakers such as John Lennox and Tim Keller.

As a result of these convenings there is a growing desire to develop the goals of the convenings:

1. To enable wise grant making which blesses the church in Scotland.

2. To foster and strengthen fellowship and collaboration in the church.

3. To agree on a common approach that will empower the laity in the coming decade to be active witnesses for Christ in Scotland.

The Maclellan Foundation Scotland has been set up to help this happen and to be a focal point for grant making going forward.  


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